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Podczas wojny secesyjnej generał Joseph Hooker sprowadził do obozu swoich

by Mudzina
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Nieprawda ! Nazwa prostytutek pochodzi od portu we wschodnim Manhattanie, który nazywał się Corlear's Hook. To właśnie tam, w porcie gromadziły się prostytutki wiedząc, że wyposzczeni przez wiele tygodni marynarze będą łatwą szansą na szybki i duży zarobek. There is a popular legend that "hooker" as a slang term for a prostitute is derived from his last name[21] because of parties and a lack of military discipline at his headquarters near the Murder Bay district of Washington, DC. Some versions of the legend claim that the band of prostitutes that followed his division were derisively referred to as "General Hooker's Army" or "Hooker's Brigade."[22] However, the term "hooker" was used in print as early as 1845, years before Hooker was a public figure,[23] and is likely derived from the concentration of prostitutes around the shipyards and ferry terminal of the Corlear's Hook area of Manhattan in the early to middle 19th century, who came to be referred to as "hookers"
